
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ring Tanga Bikini

It is Official for those who followed my previous posting about the Ring Tanga Bikini. I have finally took some time out ( I know I am supposed to work on the Seductive Frill Skirt Set and I still have that in motion) The main thing I need to do with that is come up with GND models, In game Icons and Make the ESP (I am kind of torn how I will have my mod outfits obtained in game) I will think on that and once I figure that out I will work up my ESP. Now For the Ring Tanga Bikini. This set I have worked on for months and there has been quite a few requests for the completion of it. So now it is near release though there will be small tweaks.

The mod itself originally had boofs on every piece but I decided to take the boofs off and just keep them on the shoes (which will occasionally cause stockings to have weird alpha colors).  This I believe is game related. Since in game you tend to sparkle purplish if you have like a spell reflect boof on etc.

This alpha contains a READ ME and it must be read so for those who are lazy to look through folders I am pasting it here.

"Thank you for testing this alpha for me.
Keep in mind, because this is an alpha I require feedback. Good,Bad, Input.
Without feedback I will not improve the mod and also I am very particular who I invite to my alpha’s. I only consider those who return feedback. No feedback is not very productive towards playing an alpha. Just keep that in mind. ?.

-Provide Feedback
- Do not distribute this mod
- Keep password to yourself
- Please do not modify my alpha work.
- There are absolutely no permission when it comes to alphas.
- Posting Pictures are fine (especially if it is used as feedback )
- Enjoy

This mod is only in early stages and I have intentions to improve upon it if the need arises. It requires an opinion. This mod is going to be changed on beta, I am going to ask (For future compatibilities ) when I release the Beta/ Official please delete this version of the mod.

Providing Feedback:
I am allowing YOU to try the alpha to provide me with feedback and make the mod better.
This is required to be considered in the future.
I accept feedback on my blog mainly. I can take it on LOVERS LAB or NEXUS but for Alpha Feedback I prefer to keep it on my blog.

That's Right Number 1 :p

Hmm Interesting

Peace and love to all!

I need to stop leaving "Milk" all over my house T_T

Location 1

Location 2
 This mod contains both SuiCup Female and Transsexual for transsexuals it contains the Big Curled Dick (For compatibility reasons) as default but the Squeezed Dick is also available via going through the folders.


The Mod contains
-17 Bra's (Ring Bra)
-17 Bikinis (Ring Tanga Panties)
-17 Stockings (That are independent of the shoe but REQUIRE the shoes to wear)
-17 Crystallized Boofed shoes. (I chose to keep them like that I like the look) They are HHH height {The Shoes are also DMRA Friendly}
-In 17 Colors
You require
- The SMBTRA Body
-Vipcxjs Real High Heel System

The Download Link:
Ring Tanga Bikini Alpha

-HS :D

If you have any questions PM me Via Lovers Lab , Nexus OR HERE (UNDERNEATH)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Alpha Testing

I spent the evening finally finishing up with the Ring Tanga Panty set.
I finally was able to check off more or less all of the information there.
I have spoken to some people about Aplha Testing. Please Message me on
My Lovers Lab Mail for the Password for the Alpha. Keep in mind that a Message does not guarantee a Password, I have spoken to several people about alpha testing this set and I did not log EVERY NAME (I will be more careful of that in the future).  Either Later on today or tomorrow the Official Alpha post will be posted.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Outfit named and completed. Some News

I do have some bad news, about two days ago my entire oblivion was somehow wiped all the mods and for some reason my folder structure was completely gone. I had to try everything and lost it all. The good news is that I am very prudent and had a tendency to overdue my backing up so I managed to recover most, I have scrapped all the outfit mods I have. Now all I have are my own outfits, a couple of conversions and Speedbusters collections (of course) and a few clothing mods. My movement's are 50% back but for some reason when I die and revive my wep is not in my hand and the aiming system is messed up and I am trying to remember what if anything is supposed to fix that ><.
I think the culprit was Oblivion Mod Manager, I was messing around with it the other day and when I accidentally opened it all the first mods I downloaded about a year ago when I got into Oblivion got scrapped (Maybe I am the culprit) none the less I am slowly back on track so there is some good in all of this bad news.

Now for some OK News,

I finally finished my outfit and even finally came up with a name for it.
The outfit itself is going to be known as the Seductive Frill Skirt Set.  The outfit is not armor atm but I will be probably releasing an armored variant in the future, for now though I will probably be mostly making 2nd versions of my clothing that are armor and has armor states. Keep in mind that the armor sets will be less flexible and will only come in the Top pieces combined, Bottom Pieces Combined.  Now some advice if you want to make the clothing into Armor you can always use the Custom Smith Hammer this mod is recommended with my mods since I so far have focused on clothing. This mod will allow armor properties to be added to clothing. I persoanlly have it but yet to utilize it because I am a death/survival fan and use a character with 1 HP (Video to be uploaded on how I survive one day).

Now back to the set, I will try to do stress tests using Dance Synchronizer, basically dancing mods are a good way to see the clippage same for poser mods, these mods tend to cause clippage more then regular movements. Keep in mind sometimes modders mods will clip with your movement styles, I persoanlly check my clippage to my personal combo of movement styles. So in the future if you have clippage let me know (ofc it has to be in reasonable constraints) I had clippage when I did ONE move on the VERY expressive Classy Panty Set, when doing a strong attack with a great sword but it was so minor I felt it is not worth compromising the shape of the panties or ass for. Now back to the outfit, here is a video of the outfit in action. Notice I made some fishnets, they are still not where I want them to be so might be scrapped for Alpha and then put back in for Beta/ Official Release.

SMBTRA Seductive Frill Skirt Stress Test by happysparkle

Another thing to note, I am kind of torn between the way I will have my outfits put into the game, I may be RSVPing a spot in Imperial City to teleport people to a tiny very useless but very useful land. What it will be is a basic little area where people can either purchase my clothing or open boxes in a room, I have to think on it tough. I will probably expand on it cause I always wanted to make my own map. This may not happen this year but the mini simple version might like an empty warehouse with boxes and boxes, keep in mind if I do do that it will be the ONLY way to access my clothing/ armor mods so you would have to download it and it will be available and noted on each mod. It will be patched modly (when ever there is a new mod). Even when this does happen (IF) it will not be that way for alpha testers, I want alpha testers to utilize the mods right away, with the knowledge that the alpha ESP is to be deleted once the official is out and they can keep the outfit (if I keep the ESP the same). More on that in the future. My next mod will be one of 3 things (My Spider Set, Continued work on the BIG PROJECT which I sidelined for quite sometime, or a little quick Valentines day Mod) We will see :).

-HS :)  

Monday, January 21, 2013

Outfit Extra color

Today, I was playing around a tad bit more with the outfit, I made a little bracelet (it was about the 3rd one I made) I had a couple of "tryouts" that I did not really like so much so they were scrapped and potentially stashed for future mods. For now I just focused on making the colors for the next texture. What I made out was the Pink Version of the outfit, I think it looks kind of cute.

I like the look of the outfit in Pink, I still need to come up with a name for it before I put it out for Alpha release, The release might be sooner then expected I am also considering making this outfit in 3-4 colors. I was debating on 6 colors originally, but I do not want to make my mods in too many colors. I think White,Black, Skyblue, Pink (Magenta) is sufficient enough. I do think Red and Navy Blue too but that might just be a bit overkill. I will save multiple colors for the bikini releases.

Also a small note to everyone who checks back for my works.
Thank you for your support, it keeps me trying even when I do a bad mod :).

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Promise of Consistancy (Big Hunk O Pictures)

Phew what a couple of weeks of classes this has been, but I also still managed my time at home to do a little bit of mods. I do not want to sound cocky but I am finding my method, though still touching it up. I for the most part usually would post something like this on my Female Blog as well but I feel that this goes without saying for the females. Now for the transsexuals there are always a few more ah hmm complications when dealing with mods simply because I sometimes tend to do different penis variants and sizes. Because of this I decided to use a somewhat of a "Survey Taker" approach to it. I looked at the popularity of certain postings and downloads of the Big Dick Small Dick variants of the BTRA bodies because of this I noticed that the Big Curled Penis seems to be the one of choice (Though I will still do some small erect mods) but every mod will be slapped with a big dick (lol) variant. With that said 1.5 mods that I never converted to that dick style have now been converted, I do this because most of my skirts will not be lower bodies (except the HSVanilla versions) in which your stuck with the default panties I make for the mods themselves, but for variety like for instance if you want the Ring Tanga under the skirt instead of the Frills then you will have to basically choose Ring Tanga with big curled dick and will not have the the did poking through the top of the skirt.  I will do this for that reason mainly, cause I persoanlly like a change of under garments so yeah, who will wear the same panties EVERYDAY with the same skirt? It would be so yuck, even if it is just a PIXEL :p. Here are some Pictures.

I need to stop attacking the Imperial Guard with my 1 HP Sumiko X_X

Panda Variant of the Classy Panties looks cute, I may make a light blue version of this outfit JUST for these cute panties

Aww look who done got tied up, again ><

ANB Micro Bikini...Again

Looks nice from the side though

Ring Ass

Classy Ass (Nothing sexier then a pair of transparent fullbacks on a thick ass

This is my downfall, CLIPAGE!!!:(

As mentioned above the Santa Thong has an issue with this skirt, The low version of the non-release ANB Bikini also did too but the regular one does not I did not want to change the skirt nor the thongs because they are compatible for the intended look for those mods. Also note I am going to add the Squshed penis for the Ring Bikini as well as the Big Curled Dick for the Ring Bikini set too for those who want to wear it with my skirts.With the Classy Bikini I will still probably add the hard small dick variant which will not get in the way at all of the skirt though the skirt will not lean on it as some may wish but at least there is no clippings.

Small notes:
-The Ring Panties are not very compatible with the Santa skirt but  they work fine here, what happened is the ring gets in the way of the fabric of the Santa skirt. I did not open it enough at that point.
- This is STILL Sumiko, just finally decided to try the wigs on her from the wonderful Apachii Shop.

Enjoy the Pics Transsexuals fans
-HS :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Shoes W Bow

I am almost completely done with this outfit, I just need to do 1 of 2 things.
1) I will make and decide about the stockings I will use for this set.
2) I will have to decide on if I will do gloves or Bracelet  (This is a VERY hard choice)
3) Decide if I will even bother doing a necklace.

Here are the pics with one full set shot.

The Shoes are far from perfect ofc, I am still working on the best way to make shoes. This is totally a big learning process, it took me about 3 hours to make these. I have to fit them a bit more in the back. I don't went them to look too loose, I am debating on either making the bow bigger or adding alpha to it, but maybe that with the stockings will be over kill. There is debate if the shoe's edging will be white or stay lacey. Over all I am liking how this Random still yet to be named set is coming along. All I know is it's a Skirt, A Corset, a Mini Top Hate and Shoes. BTW The Final release will have the Bra Separated and might come with a special un-shown variant of the corset. ALSO The heels are HHHx1

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

5th Peice of this Lacey Set

So I decided I was going to go for a hat for this outfit. I am not fully sure if I am going to add anything like a necklace for the actual set (that and because it might be over kill) I was going for this tiny hat look known as the Mini Lolita Top Hat, the hat is usually tilted and is pretty well worn in Japan by those who wear Lolita style clothing (usually)
The hats are VERY cute and look nice when worn right, the hat I made is a Dark Lolita styling, this is NOT the Lolita Set though :p this is a set that I kind of am throwing together as the inspiration for it is here. For this one I decided instead of doing feathers and ribbons and bows, I did a veil that somewhat covers the face giving your character a bit of a sexy seductress look.  The official hat will come in 2 variants, One for smaller hairs and another for Bigger. I am using the smaller one The smaller hair version is more user friendly but as you can easily see, the hat itself could be a little higher so for the other characters hair style I'd probably go for the bigger variant.  But I will not do that until alpha release, or official.

 Sumiko has one of the more fluffier hairs so she would be best for the bigger veriest which will not be much bigger.  I am debating on doing gloves but if I do not I will be doing Shoes and Stockings, those will come in a few variants. the stockings alone and the shoes with stockings. Also I am not sure I am sold on the the hats texture, so do not be shocked if that changes. hell I might even add a bow just for fun. We'll see...