My Status
Sorry I have not done much in the line of creating content show here but I want to keep everyone at ease to let them know that I am not quiting on modding Oblivion, just taking some time to focus on actually beating it Can you believe that until recently, the furthest I've ever gotten to in Oblivion was the part where you meet the Mythic Dawn in the sewer with Baurus. I know... not far at all.but that's what happens when you just want to mod it and play other mods too. I recently made a character, Sakura, that I am using and is actually a lot stronger than my typical character (death gamer), so she is doing well and I have gotten decently far with her. She is also the mascot of the BTBB body as well. (planning a Milf version on that one too).Private mods, my stance, and why I stand as I do.
PS: Sorry for the rant but this is to answer an inquiry someone that was upset about how I did not share a mod I shown not to long ago. To this person, no disrespect but I want you to see if from my perspective and also want others to know why in case they ask/ feel the same.
Note on private / special access mods: I often read forums about private mods and ow people don't like modders that do that (this not being me to be exact but I fall under this category since I do show private or special access mods from time to time) and also receive messages about some of my works, too. I just wanted to let you guys know that private mods of mine (shown or not) are not to be meant to insult anyone's wants, just I believe a lot in results being more important than words.I mean not to sound rude but I often get lots of PMs about private mods and I occasionally make them public but tbh, I really don't mean to "tease" people with any content. In actuality, I would release all of what I make if I could but there are some issues. When I release mods in public format (not alpha or beta, I mean mods that go on sites), I am subject to criticism and put into the outside world, where people will either like it, love it, or hate it, which is fine. In part from the aforementioned, I also have a certain standard I have to keep. A simple one would be that I have to first make an Icon for ALL items, repackage them, make GND's and even re-path every single texture since my test area is filled with a rather convoluted structure. Maybe some will not release but this process can be very cumbersome, especially since the initial final stage of my mods (yes I have about 3-5 versions of each mod I make, most starting bare boned with the simplest textures). After doing all of that, adding the nooks and crannies, I have to then re-path and name them an set everything up etc. This process alone, coupled with the needs of my personal life, can turn into a 2-3 day process.When it is all said and done, I feel bad if I do not release it on all 3 sites.
Now while it is not exactly a big deal, it starts to make more sense when you check the analytics of my mods. Believe it or not, I am not a professional 3D modeler by any means. I just play around in blender and try to fiddle around to make textures work (been getting a bit better at that front). In the end, I typically spend a whole weekend or more making mods. In many cases, my more intricate releases take every more time than my more popular bikini style releases. Also, when I start promising time frames for release, the mods quality gets compromised. Because if I say I will release this in this time frame, I try my best to meet that time.
In the end, I just don't want to give out mods that are lacking the basic parts because when I do public releases, I want people to actually enjoy them and use them to the fullest extent.
I also wanted to take a moment to thank those who have not only downloaded my works, but those who endorsed them as well. Most importantly, I wanted to give thanks to a very special users. I am not sure if they want their name being posted so I will withhold that for now, but I've noticed that not only has this user supported my work, but they were so compelled by my work that they've posted screens on their blog. To this person, you know who you are, know that for any of my private or unreleased mods, you have full access to them. I will do this because I appreciate your appreciation for all modders that you like and not playing the popularity game that is often played on certain websites. You want any of my works ever shown or have requests, I will oblige.
Overall, this post is not only about my hiatus and my stance but also about my new toon. I am actually not going to use her until I beat the game.
New Girl and Photoshoot
The character is yet to be named but she is a lot cuter than the first girl I made with this race (posted sometime ago) I think she looks a lot more sexier and has a more anime face. The other character I was not very satisfied with so she is essentially her replacement and I will be doing something with this girl soon, just won't go into details here because I am lazy and it will most likely just be a show mod.
Here are ALOT of screens of her, like in typical HS fashion. Please note, this is literally a photo dump and contains some things most people will not publicly say they like such has hairy pubic hair and panty liner on a couple. Such things are private mods since they are not things most will really want to see so please don't bash my personal choices in private mods. I just want to share this photo dump with you and some people that I know that are interested in the same things I am interested in.
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