Now I know that this may cause me to take a little hit but it is OK, while I do make pervy mods I am not all about nudity and I will be doing some fuller clothing on my transsexual bodies as well. Of course I am not going to become less of a perv, just I do not want to use terms which they stand for. I actually eluded to this in the Moment of Enlightenment post. This is something I want to avoid is to use a stigma, yes it will get me more hits I am sure as I do check my traffic and try to varify what brings me where. Shemale Oblivion seems to be a much more common source of traffic. This is OK with me though because I will keep getting better and eventually I will have a nice flow of traffic because of actual interest in my future works. Not saying the flow is bad, but today alone I removed over 80 references to the term Shemale on my blog. This is pretty much the last post you will see of it.
--- Below is intended for those who want to learn more and be more aware about transgenderism. I recommend taking out sometime to read it because it is a lot very detailed information to help educate those who would like to see transgenderism in a more deeper perspective than porn---
BTW if you still use other terms I am going to post an excerpt from what Cozy said in a post made recently (and a while back). It might spread awareness to others who use the term. BTW I do still love my porn don't get me wrong and my mods will feature themes as such but still it is about respecting people who actually live the lifestyle of transgenderism. Here is some of what she said.
"Tranny: Kind of dehumanizing term that implies a sense of low value as a human being, and being a train-wreck in terms of transition. Coming from a non-trans person it gets even worse in terms of a sense of dehumanization and objectification.
Shemale: Coming straight out of the porn industry this for your average trans person is immensely dehumanizing implying all we are is sex-objects, and that's all we're good for. Basically in terms of derogatory statements towards trans folks it's akin to using the n-word, or faggot.
Trap: A more recent term... When it comes to Male to Females who pass really well this label is just flat out infuriating in that it implies that because we pass we are some how liars, and schemers looking to make guys gay or something, which is a load of BS. I pass, and I know a lot of MTF's who pass well. But they're always straight-forward before things become intimate in the slightest. Hell, if a straight guy expresses an interest in me and even if I am slightly interested back I'll come out to them way before things lead to anything even remotely close to intimacy. Just when it's in the getting to know you phase. This term just irks me because well, it's certainly dehumanizing switching it up on me, that there is something wrong with me just because someone is attracted to me, and it feels as though it automatically paints me a liar because I look like a woman."
Here are a few more terms she mentioend for anyone who wants to be aware as well :).
"Transgenderism: This is generally an umbrella term used in the trans community to cover any and everything that falls out of the gender norm. Under the umbrella you will find everything from Post-op Transsexuals, Transvestites, Genderqueers, Non-op Transsexuals, Bigendered folks, and so forth. So basically if your Gender Identity falls into an area most of society would consider abnormal you're Transgendered.
Biological Sex: Kind of a no brainer, this is the sex you are born as. M or F. Derrp... In my case I was born M.
Gender Identity: Now one thing you'll see commonly among trans people is the way they differentiate Sex and Gender. This is again a no brainer because for many TG people especially those suffering with GID there brains sense of Gender Identity, or rather Sexual Identity but I'm going to keep this simple doesn't add up with their birth sex. Now sex is pretty static in that you really only got two options there, with the very rare exception of certain intersexed individuals, but Gender is on the other hand very dynamic and malleable. Sure most folks will go for male or female, but there is a big gap in the middle of those two. For example I myself don't personally Identify as either male or female. I would say I do come off more feminine, but I have some boyish traits as well, and I kind of enjoy the freedom of casting off binary gender and sort of embracing my own personalized gender, and just rolling with it.
I'm not the only one who feels this way either, but the binary gender paradigm is to me a fallacy, because Gender is built off Gender Roles. While I totally understand why say a Female to Male Transsexual would opt for a Male gender. I just kind of don't care about Gender and never really understood it even when I was young. It's a man made concept Gender Roles, and I kind of reject them entirely, plus I don't get it. So yeah... So for some TG folks they're born male but identify as female, others are born female and identify as male, me? I was born male and identify with C.) None of the above.
GID (Gender Identity Dysphoria): Not all TG people have GID, but for those of us who are born with it, it's a hellish disorder, and more often than not those who can't deal with it opt out (kill themselves). It's a hell of a thing being trapped in a meat suit that seems to be trying to kill you. I mean I remember how I felt when male puberty started to roll around. It just crushed me, I kind of instinctively knew it was all wrong after my first orgasm in my sleep I attempted suicide.
This is a very hard concept to convey to someone who's never suffered with it. But basically you're born with a brain wired a certain way, whether it's male, female, or other, and your body is the opposite of that. I can't express in words the confusion and hell this causes. All I know is I am glad the internet was around when I was a kid so I could learn about this and find a way to treat it.
Transition: This is the treatment for GID. One persons transition may be different than anothers, but the end goal always is to achieve peace with ones gender identity and remove the dyphoria which is destroying them, stifling them and keeping them from being themselves. In the end that's what a trans person wants. To be themselves, to have the opportunity to grow as an individual. When you have this disorder you're stuck in limbo, like the walking dead. This is basically the cure, and as far as cures go this has one of the highest success rates recorded. Y'know as opposed to trying to convince a trans person they aren't trans, or locking them up in an insane asylum giving them shock treatment, which used to happen all the time in the old days. But transition has saved a lot of lives, that much I know to be true.
*The following are kind of an unofficial way of gauging differing aspects of the Dysphoria, and establishing a personalized set of priorities to help you fine tune your transition. I've seen these three examples used quite a few times, grant you they don't seem to be used in any official sense, while that's the case they still make for a helpful tool. There are types of Dysphoria's taken into account during diagnoses, grant you this is a super personalized disorder where only you can really diagnose yourself. This is why it's mandatory to see a therapist specializing in this sort of thing whilst undergoing transition. So they can make sure you're not nuts for one where you can wind up mutilating yourself and regretting it which has happened. It's also so they don't so much as diagnose you, but help you diagnose yourself by coaxing you into trying to be honest with yourself, and what your really desire. However you have to be honest! If you're not you can wind up ruining your life.
Physical Dysphoria: Anyway Physical Dyphoria correlates mainly to how you feel within your own skin in terms of what the physiology of your birth sex is doing to you. Like with me this was probably front and center in terms of my priorities. My physiology felt so wrong, and physically I felt so wrong, This is where hormonal replacement came into play and made me feel right. So basically this correlates to hormones and just how you feel with the wrong hormones in you and such. It's also connected with Genital Dysphoria, and for a long time Genital Dysphoria and Physical Dysphoria were synonymous, but as times changed the two kind of got their own classifications.
Social Dysphoria: This focuses mainly on ones desire to fit in as the appropriate gender in society and socialize as such. Hence for obvious reasons ones appearance is heavily associated with this, as well as ones discomfort with their secondary sexual characterstics. Like for a MTF facial hair, or FTM their breasts. It also touches on just how important pass-ability is to you as well. With me this was never really a problem thanks to the fact I started so young, but I do have to say for me the idea of developing male secondary sexual characteristics is horrifying beyond words. So this was high on the list or priorities, but thankfully I didn't need to do much.
Genital Dysphoria: This applies mainly to MTF's but some FTM's as well, this is because sadly the GRS (Genital Reassignment Surgery) is very crude for Female to Males, which is really sad. There are all kinds of experimental procedures involving skin grafts and such, but it doesn't come out so well. With FTM GRS it's much harder to add something, than to invert what is already there as is the case with MTF's who have a lot more material to work with. But this for some people is priority one, because their brain says it's gotta go! I've known many MTF transsexuals who got this as soon as they could and wound up so much better for doing so. But it varies, there are some that can get by without it.
Me? Well I won't lie, I would like the surgery and I do kinda want it, however when it comes to something as serious as surgery especially one this costly, that requires so much post surgical care and so forth you really need to weigh want vs "need." Now prior to hormonal replacement therapy hells yes I felt I needed this. But as the hormones kind of centered me, and made me feel like me I started to second guess. In the end I realized sure I wouldn't mind it, having a vagina would match my body nicely, and overall make life a lot easier, but do I really need it? Sure I'm not totally fond of my genetic mishap, but at least I can piss standing up from time to time.I'm not losing sleep over it, and I can live with what I have, so it's not a need. I don't need to spend all that money, fly to Thailand, lay in a hospital bed, only to go home and dilate several times a day for lord knows how long, which is not fun, and quite painful.
So yeah I want it, but don't need it and can live without it. For others not so much, it is very necessary. Like for the guys here's an analogy. Imagine if you lost your dick. Ummm yeah for a MTF to go without the surgery is maybe kinda like that but worse. Still for FTM's it really sucks that the procedure hasn't been perfected at all.
MTF (Male to Female): Another no brainier, this is basically what I am. I mean while when I initially transitioned I thought I was a transsexual and later came to realize not so much because I didn't identify with binary gender. I'm still on female hormones, which technically makes me a Male to Female. Born male and I'm on Female Hormonal Replacement therapy to keep myself, well sane.
FTM (Female to Male): Second verse same as the first only in reverse. A Female born trans person that has taken steps to in someway masculinize themselves in order to fit into more of a male gender role, or in the case of a FTM Transsexual flat out live as the man they are.
Transsexual: Well I believe this was covered but I'll cover it again. An individual born with a birthsex that is misaligned with the Gender/Sexual Identity. Basically a Female born a Male or a Male born a Female. Essentially their brain doesn't add up with their body, which leaves them in the wrong body, which leads to GID.
GRS: Once again Genital Reassignment Surgery, or in laymen's terms the proverbial sex-change operation.
Orchiectomy: Male castration, some MTF's get this done to avoid pumping too much meds into their system namely the Androgyne/Testosterone blockers prior to GRS. Some MTF's get this done as an alternative to GRS. When my health improves I'm probably going to be getting this done.
Bilateral Mastectomy: Also known as "Top Surgery" this is a procedure to remove the breasts from Female to Males.
Pre-Op: Usually applied to transsexuals, simply means they have yet to get the GRS but plan to.
Post-Op: Usually applied to transsexuals, means they have had the GRS.
Non-OP: Usually applied to transsexuals, means they've found their comfort zone and don't feel they need the surgery. While I'm not a transsexual I guess this can apply to me, since I highly doubt I'll get the GRS unless I win the lotto or something.
Androgyne/Genderqueer: This would be me, essentially it's a rejection of binary gender roles. Folks like this can also have GID i'm living proof of that, some do, some don't. Some are on HRT, some aren't. But yeah with me I feel like I'm neither, and as for pronouns, while I am 99% of the time reffered to by female pronouns I don't mind male ones with one exception. The word "man." That doesn't apply to me at all. Boy is fine though.
Bigendered: This is for folks who kinda feel like both, and experiment with both male and female gender rolls. Actually this kinda applies to me vaguely as I have been known to experiment from time to time. Even though I don't pass as a boy at all I've been known to mess around.
Crossdresser: An individual who enjoys dressing as the opposite sex, and may gain some sort of comfort from doing such nothing more, nothing less.
Transvestite: Similar to a Crossdresser, but instead of feelings of comfort they experience arousal, commonly Transvestites are straight men.
Drag-Queen: Commonly homosexual men, that like to dress in almost a hyper female way, and enjoy expressing kind of a parody of sexual females."
So with that being said just be aware that someterms can be hurtful and I feel bad even to this day that I used the wrong terms and potentially hurt some of my transgendered followers.
Please to all who did stick by and read the educational part, thank you for reading and please be aware and treat others as equal no matter their past, present, future, race, gender, creed or even gender identity.
-Happysparkles :)
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