
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Transsexual Uploaded!

OK So today I am releasing a more close to complete version of the New Half Sui Cup 2 body. What I did was added the skeleton I used so people can avoid having the clipping issues mentioend in female body. I also did a little adding of textures. I like the hairy texture for the girls and newhalfs so what I did is included those with the package in case you like that sort of stuffs too. Also keep in mind that these are glossed textures therefore you might want to get GlossMax and lower the glossiness on them. Mainly doing it by taking the texture Copies (The _n ones) and use those as the main as I kept the originals in case some are not into sexy oily skin.Also textures were included to avoid issues of skin compatibility issues mentioned with my other releases.

In this mod you can chose if you want just female transsexuals, male transsexuals or everyone transsexuals. Please bear in mind if it is male he will sound manly. (I personally changed some voices to female with my version that has an ESP for just that) But otherwise some of the races I kept the voice on for some interesting responses. I really never use male characters so if I had to chose male or transsexual I'd definitely use transsexual even if the voice is very manly.

Ok so now we have it both are uploaded. Hopefully I will get permissions to add other versions and conversions as well.

Here are your dick bearing new halfs xD

For now I am off to not blog for a bit :p

*Runs off into an Oblivion Gate until I facedesk* 


  1. Hey, I really like your work. Keep it up! I look forward to more releases. :)

    1. Thank you so much for the nice comment.
      These kinds of comments keep me motivated. I try to put a lot of time in both mod (bodies). I will use this comment and allow me to keep motivating me.

      Thank you again for taking time to post feedback.
      If you are on loverslab or Nexus you can message me there as well, I do provide alpha's for some (randomly picked).
